Mason Proffit - Summer Side Of Love

I see my love sleepin'
And just to be here whisperin'
It fills my heart with joy
To wake in the mornin'
And reach for you, knowing you
Will be there by my side
Some lovers they fill you
Some lovers they steal you
Feeling you on the summer side of love

To feel the dawn's candle
Its flame growing stronger still
To try to catch the wind
Her love lingers silent
And fall drifting autumn leaves
The stars will rise again
Some lovers they fill you
Some lovers they steal your heart
Leaving you on the summer side of love
I see my love sleepin'
And just to be here whisperin'
It fills my heart with joy
To wake in the mornin'
And reach for you, knowing you
Will be there by my side
Some lovers they fill you
Some lovers they steal you
Feeling you on the summer side of love

To feel the dawn's candle
Its flame growing stronger still
To try to catch the wind
Her love lingers silent
And fall drifting autumn leaves
The stars will rise again
Some lovers they fill you
Some lovers they steal your heart
Leaving you on the summer side of love
"Summer side of love" by Mason Proffit..

This is " Summer side of love" by Mason Proffit. I do not own the rights to this song and it is posted for historical purpose only.

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