Peter Sellers - A Drop of the Hard Stuff

Peter Sellers : A Drop Of The Hard Stuff

A Peter Sellers classic recording from 1958. No pop videos were made in those days but one probably wouldn't have survived from this session anyway.

PETER SELLERS - 'A Drop Of The Hard Stuff' - 1958

Cringe with Pete if you're Irish and/or German!

Peter Sellers - A Drop of the Hard Stuff

A Drop of the Hard Stuff by Peter Sellers from the album Peter Sellers: Best Of Released 2014-02-28 on One Day Music Download on iTunes: ...

Peter Sellers - Pat O'Shaughnessy & his men of shamrock

Taken from Peter Sellers - Suddenly its folk song, this was made before political correctness, and it used three folk songs to poke fun at the English (west ...

Peter Sellers