Lester Young Quartet, The Oscar Peterson Trio - Tea For Two

Lester Young With The Oscar Peterson Trio - Tea For Two

Lester Young With The Oscar Peterson Trio - Tea For Two.

Lester Young with the Oscar Peterson Trio

Lester Young - tenor saxophone, vocals on Two To Tango Oscar Peterson - piano Barney Kessel - guitar Ray Brown - double bass J. C. Heard - drums Defying what has become conventional wisdom,...

Lester Young & Oscar Peterson - Two to Tango duplicate

Lester Young & Oscar Peterson - Two to Tango duplicate.

Lester Young - The President Plays With The Oscar Peterson Trio (1956) (Full Album)

Bass – Ray Brown Drums – J. C. Heard Guitar – Barney Kessel Piano – Oscar Peterson Tenor Saxophone – Lester Young Recorded in New York City on November 28, 1952. Supervised By...

Lester Young and the Oscar Peterson Trio - Ad Lib Blues (full album)

Album del 1952. - "Ad Lib Blues" (Oscar Peterson, Lester Young) – 5:54 - "I Can't Get Started" (Vernon Duke, Ira Gershwin) – 3:41 - "Just You, Just Me" (Jesse Greer, Raymond Klages) –...

Lester Young Quartet, The Oscar Peterson Trio