Anja Lechner, Vassilis Tsabropoulos - Prayer

01. Chant from a Holy Book

Anja Lechner / Vassilis Tsabropoulos - Chant, Hyms and Dances (ECM 1888, 2004) Anja Lechner, violoncello Vassilis Tsabropoulos, piano.

Anja Lechner & Vassilis Tsabropoulos

Zaman düşünmeyenleri yanına alıp gidiyor bize de oturup seyretmek kaliyor sadece Biz ömrümüz dediğimiz şeyi yalnızca düşlerimizde yaşadık.

Valentin Silvestrov : concert Hiéroglyphes de la nuit - Anja Lechner et Agnès Vesterman

La venue à Paris du compositeur Valentin Silvestrov le 15 janvier 2015 au Collège des Bernardins fut un véritable événement. Artistique d'abord – tant sa ...

Themes from an Exhibition: ECM's Selected Signs Box

Selected Signs III -- VIII Music selected for the exhibition ECM -- A Cultural Archaeology at Haus der Kunst, Munich ECM 2350-55 6-CD 6025 372 8971 (4) In the ...

Anja Lechner, Vassilis Tsabropoulos