Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Foolish You

Foolish you, you want to go away
Seeking fortune's favour on your own
While the one who stays behind you,
Foolish me, is left alone

Sad and foolish that's how I feel
Don't you know how fortune favours few
Fortune's blind as blind as you my dear
What a pity, oh foolish you

Leaving me this way is hardly fair
Must I go seek a fortune too
Or must I wait till folly finds it's own way home
To me and foolish you

Sad and foolish....

Loving you was good love was kind
I didn't mind the payment's overdue
For the price of loving is none too dear
As long as I'm with foolish you

Sad and foolish....

Foolish you, you want to go away
Seeking fortune's favour on your own
While the one who stays behind you,
Foolish me, is left alone

Sad and foolish that's how I feel
Don't you know how fortune favours few
Fortune's blind as blind as you my dear
What a pity, oh foolish you

Leaving me this way is hardly fair
Must I go seek a fortune too
Or must I wait till folly finds it's own way home
To me and foolish you

Sad and foolish....

Loving you was good love was kind
I didn't mind the payment's overdue
For the price of loving is none too dear
As long as I'm with foolish you

Sad and foolish....

Kate & Anna McGarrigle : Foolish You

From 1977 , German TV.

Kate and Anna McGarrigle - Debut Cd - Complete

Beautiful Canadien singing Duo on their first outting. Superb !

Lazy Tater- Foolish You

Liedje van Kate & Anna McGarrigle gezongen door Lazy Tater tijdens het "Big Bear Festival" op 24 mei 2010 te Zuidlaren.

Foolish You

Lovely song from Kate & Anna McGarrigle, one of my all time favourites. Sung by me, Bruce Baillie, accompanied on my Andrew Whale 5 string Banjo.

Kate & Anna McGarrigle