J.G. Boccella - Change

J.G. Boccella's MLK DAY Talk

J.G. Boccella -- "We Cannot Walk Alone" At the March on Washington, Dr. King stated that "We cannot walk alone." J.G. Boccella offers an approach to race ...

On Vision Loss and Art Making J G Boccella JGpaintings com

Artist J.G. Boccella talks about how slowly losing more and more of his vision, over the course of three decades, has given him a new way to see the world.

TEDx talk summary for "how we could revolutionize race rela

When it comes to race relations, there's a huge untapped resource - and lever for change - right before our eyes. I call it the "hidden demographic." These are ...

What it means to be an Ally

www.jgboccella.com www.ConversationWe.com.

The Importance of Nuance and Intention...Regarding Race

www.ConversationWe.com www.jgboccella.com I do believe that there IS a distinction between someone who does some racist/oppressive stuff, and when it's ...

J.G. Boccella