Vangelis - Damask Rose

Vangelis (Blade Runner) - Damask Rose

Vangelis (Blade Runner) - Damask Rose.

Damask Rose (10) - Blade Runner Soundtrack

Tenth track from the Blade Runner Soundtrack, by Vangelis.

Vangelis - Damask Rose

Always the wonderful electronic instrumental music of Vangelis with beautiful images of the desert.

Blade Runner - Vangelis - Damask Rose (Gabriel Lukosz Remix)

This is a bootleg remix of the Blade Runner soundtrack. This remix is not for sale. All original soundtrack samples belong to Vangelis. Hope you enjoy the twist ...

Vangelis - Damask Rose - 1982

Another Middle Eastern influenced track by Vangelis that corresponds to Deckard's investigation of Rachel. Enjoy!
