Sophie Madeleine - Take Your Love With Me (The Ukulele Song)

I could navigate the ocean in a homemade boat
and fly across the desert on a ten pound note
I could do most anything if everywhere I go
I could take your love with me
I could tame the wildest animals with just one stare
I'd even take my chances with a polar bear
I could be in mortal danger but I wouldn't care
If I could take your love with me
And so you made me a promise
that you would always be around
and you would stay true and honest
because I need you in my pocket
in my heart and in my head
so I just had to find a way to take you everywhere I went
and so you bought a ukulele with a message inside
that I should always have it with me never leave it behind
And now everywhere I play it I will keep you in mind
so I can take your love with me
And I can take your love with me
Take Your Love With Me - Sophie Madeleine (Lyrics)

To my special someone. A simple thought from me. HAHA. as promise. simple animation for u. Happy Birthday. May God always wif u now n forever.

"take your love with me (the ukulele song)" by sophie madeleine

most of this description is in the words of the song itself.) ben mealer introduced this song to me at the UWC, it stuck. ah! a song to celebrate 324 subscribers, ...

Take Your Love With Me (Sophie Madeleine Ukulele Cover)

A cover of Sophie Madeleine's "Ukulele Song", recorded in the middle of a dune at the beautiful curonian spit in Lithuania.

Take your love with me cover ukulele...Kyla Dawson...Sophie Madeleine (cover)

Kyla Dawson and Scott Mullen..Take your love with me...sophie madeline cover.

Take Your Love with Me (The Ukulele Song) - Sophie Madeleine cover

I sing this song for my wife, because I think of her every time I play uke.

Sophie Madeleine