Skiks - cassie

Cassie's Biggest Moments | Skins

Watch some of Cassie's biggest moments from Skins. Watch the series on All 4:

Cassie's Story - Skins

This is Cassie's Story. For classic Skins moments and exclusive YouTube content make sure you subscribe to our Official YouTube Channel - ...

Cassie Teaches Sid How Not To Eat - Skins - Jack Clough's Top 5 Moments

With Skins Series 7 round the corner here is a classic moment from the first series, Cassie teaches Sid how not to get away with not eating. This is from Skins ...

Skins: Season 1 Episode 2 (Cassie)

Cassie's family and friends are too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice that she's not eating. But there is someone who cares.
