핑크퐁 - The Red-Nosed Reindeer Rudolph

“There is Rudolph!”
“Look at his funny nose!”
“It’s like a fire!”
“So red!”
A red-nosed reindeer.
Other reindeer laugh at me.
“Attention, please!”
“The race is going to start!”
I will light up the way
that is so dark
with my shining
bright red nose.
“Oh, Rudolph is the winner!”
“Rudolph, won’t you guide
my sleigh tonight?”
“Yes, sir!”
A red-nosed
Even the dark
doesn’t matter to me.
“Watch out, friends!”
I will light up the way
that is so dark
with my shining
bright red nose.
Run and run!
Run and run!
My dear friend, Rudolph.
“Good job, Rudolph!”
Run faster than an airplane.
My wonderful friend, Rudolph!
My wonderful friend,
“We love you, Rudolph!”
The Red Nosed Reindeer Rudolph | Christmas Carols | Pinkfong Songs for Children

PINKFONG! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ☆ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: http://i.sstudy.kr/L/591/des/ Merry Christmas ...

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PINKFONG! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ☆ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: http://i.sstudy.kr/L/591/des/ You are ...
