Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love (Album Version)

Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love

Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love Official video here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQxODAwOTQ0.html.

Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love LYRICS

NEW ALBUM IN 2016!~ Song from album "Peasants, Pigs ans Astronauts". I love this song so much. It is still my fav. Thanks for watching. For more info about the ...

Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love (demo upbeat version)

I've always preferred this to the slower version :)

Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love

Video was uploaded by Kula Shaker on an official channel, then blocked by Warner Music! Reversed video due to those copyrights.

Kula Shaker - Shower Your Love / 303 / Mountain Lifter

Aurora Concert Hall / 04/03/2016.

Kula Shaker