B.B. King - Hummingbird

I don't know what love is but I think I must have it bad
Yeah you I don't know what love is people whoah
but I think I must have it bad
Yeah you know some people say love is just a gamble
but whatever it is it's enough to drive old me mad
They say love is just a proposition people
it's strictly a game of give and take
Yeah they tell me love love love is a proposition people
they say it's strictly a game of give and take
Whoah but my woman took all I gave her and
'm here to tell to you that love proposition stuff 's a fake
Oh I don't claim to be no gambler people oh
I don't know much about the dice
Yes I don't claim to be no gambler people
I tell you I don't know much about the dice
Oh but I wait and my baby knows she knows
I'm not the kind who's gonna crap out twice
Yes she left me early this mornin' I don't know the reason why
She just got up early this mornin' didn't even say good bye
But I love you I love you you know
I love you baby although you made me cry
Yes there are a lot of women who love me oh but how you satisfy
BB King - Hummingbird

all rights reserved by their respective owners I couldn't find this version on youtube so i uploded it with some random pics of Mr King! Enjoy! :) Sometimes I get ...


B.B.King's " Indianola Mississippi Seeds" (1970)

B.B King - Hummingbird

Filmed for Channel 4 The Tube http://www.bbking.com/

BB King - David Letterman 1983 Hummingbird

Excellent vocals on this classic BB recording.......Recorded November 17 1983.

B.B. King