Sinead O`Connor - O Filli Et Fillae

Sinead O'Connor O Filii Et Filiae

O Filii et Filiæ - the first line of a hymn written by Jean Tisserand in 1494 to celebrate Easter. It was first heard in Dublin in 1871 - this is Sinead's version ...

Sinéad O'Connor - Love is Ours / O Filii et Filiae (Video)

A movie in Venice on two songs of Sinéad O'Connor.

Sinéad O'Connor ‎" She Who Dwells ..." 2CD Full Album HD

Sinéad O'Connor "She Who Dwells In The Secret Place Of The Most High Shall Abide Under The Shadow Of The Almighty" 2CD Full Album HD Tracklist .

O Filii et Filiae

"O Filii et Filiae", Maitrise Notre-Dame de París Catedral de Notre-Dame, Pascua de 2016 Todos los derechos reservados por KTO TV.-

Sinead O`Connor