Count Basie - Sweet Lorraine

Ev'rything is set, skies are blue
Can't believe it yet, but it's true
I'll give you just one guess
My sweet Lorraine said Yes
Waiting for the time, soon to be
When the bells will chime merrily
I'm so happy,When it's raining I don't miss the sun
For it's in my sweeties smile
Just think that I'm the lucky one
Who will lend her down the aisle
Each night I pray
That nobody steals her heart away
Just can't wait until that happy day
When I mary sweet Lorraine
Ev'rything is set, skies are blue
Can't believe it yet, but it's true
I'll give you just one guess
My sweet Lorraine said Yes
Waiting for the time, soon to be
When the bells will chime merrily
I'm so happy,When it's raining I don't miss the sun
For it's in my sweeties smile
Just think that I'm the lucky one
Who will lend her down the aisle
Each night I pray
That nobody steals her heart away
Just can't wait until that happy day
When I marry sweet Lorraine
Oscar Peterson & Count Basie - Sweet Lorraine

Oscar Peterson & Count Basie - Sweet Lorraine Album: Night Rider Year: 1978 Label: Pablo Records Add &fmt=18 to url for better (stereo) sound quality!

Sweet Lorraine by The Count Basie Trio

BASIE AND FRIENDS contains some unique performances, many of which are due with the fact that no horns appear on the album. Basie performs duets with ...

Count Basie - Sweet Lorraine - Compact Jazz

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Sinatra: Sweet Lorraine alt take 1946

On Tuesday, December 17, 1946, Sinatra joined the winners and runners-up in Metronome magazine's reader's poll to record a single side at Columbia's ...

Count Basie