Norah Jones - The Nearness Of You

It's not the pale moon that excites me
That thrills and delights me
Oh no, it's just the nearness of you

It isn't your sweet conversation
That brings this sensation
Oh no, it's just the nearness of you

When you're in my arms
And I feel you so close to me
All my wildest dreams came true

I need no soft lights to enchant me
If you will only grant me
The right to hold you ever so tight
And to feel in the night
The nearness of you
Norah Jones - The Nearness Of You.

This Hoagy Carmichael evergreen is played and sung beautifully in Norah's individual style. Definitely one of my favourites.

Norah Jones ♦ The Nearness Of You

( lyrics ))---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not the pale moon that excites me That thrills and delights me Oh no It's just the nearness of...

Norah Jones - The Nearness Of You (lyrics on screen)

Norah Jones - The Nearness Of You (lyrics on screen) (Warner Bros., Norah Jones) Get the printable lyrics here:

Norah Jones - the nearness of you ( come away with me)#14

from the album come away with me 2002.

Norah Jones - The Nearness of You, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 12/02/2016

Norah Jones - The Nearness of You Academy of Music, 12/02/2016 Seeing Norah Jones do a big time concert at an orchestra hall always seems such a far cry from the small clubs of New York's...

Norah Jones