R Master - Colonel Hathi`s March (From The Jungle Book)

Bare Necessities

Bare Necessities from the Jungle Book.

Trust in Me (English)- Jungle Book

Kaa singing "Trust in Me" from the Disney movie: THE JUNGLE BOOK.

Jungle Book Remix (Wanna Be Like You + Bare Necessities)

No clue where this remix came from. I found it on my computer from years ago.

The Wondertistic Book Part 13 - Diesel 10 Arrives/Shrek's March Reprise

Oh no. Diesel 10 arrives in the Jungle. And he's looking for something to kill on and dominate to destroy. But me and Twilight went to get help from Shrek and the ...

Dave's Nostalgia Trip - Ep174 - The Jungle Book (Sega Master System - 1993)

Well, this is a strange one. A small boy is raised by a weird blue bear and is told how to live his life by a giant panther. Sounds weird and all kinds of "groomy" but ...

R Master