Innocence Mission - Moon River

Moon River, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style oneday 
oh dream maker
you heart braker
where ever you're going
I'm going your way

Two drifters off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after the same rainbow's end
waiting round the bend
my huckleberry friend
Moon river and me -
Moon River - The Innocence Mission

"Moon River" is a selection on The Innocence Mission's "Now The Day is Over" album. Karen Peris is the lovely vocalist.

The Innocence Mission - Moon River

movie: Breakfast At Tiffany's / music: The Innocence Mission - Moon River / cust: Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard.

The Innocence Mission~Moon River [cover]

Moon River from album "Now The Day Is Over"./ © 2004. Artwork by ~b69s Moon river, wider than a mile I'm crossing you ...

Innocence Mission