Barry White - Hard To Believe That I Found You

Barry White - Hard to Believe That I Found You SOUL/FUNK 1973

This is for the Barry White's fan. The second album of the King of the long soul, funky groove. This song is very good, whit the nice guitar......ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my ...

Barry White - Hard To Believe That I Found You

Off The Stone Gon Album. Make sure to download this track on itunes or Amazon!!!

Barry White - Hard to Believe That i Found You (1973) by JJc

Barrence Eugene Carter, mais conhecido como Barry White foi um cantor, maestro e produtor musical norte-americano. Compositor de inúmeros sucessos em ...

BARRY WHITE / Hard To Believe That Found You Edit

BARRY WHITE / Hard To Believe That Found You Edit Carmine Voccia.

Barry White