Crookers, Pitbull - Natural Born Hustler

She loves to dance
she loves to move
she loves to freak
now how's about you?

they wanna ride with me
baby thats for sure
that's just a tragic one
and now they want some more

I am a natural born hustler in a thirty five three

I got respect for the women that dont lie to me
they tell me what they want and how they want it as a woman
Crookers feat. Pitbull - Natural Born Hustler

Aus dem aktuellen Album Tons of Friends.

Crookers feat. Pitbull - Natural Born Hustler (Savage Skulls Remix)

Crookers feat. Pitbull - Natural Born Hustler (Savage Skulls Remix)

Crookers, Pitbull - Natural Born Hustler

Subscribe to our channel here: Crookers, Pitbull - Natural Born Hustler. Available on Southern Fried Records.

Pitbull feat. Crookers Natural Born Hustler

Pitbull feat. Crookers Natural Born Hustler.

Crookers, Pitbull