Harry James - Take the `A` Train

Harry James, Buddy Rich "Take The A Train"

From The Big Band series telecasts. Features Harry, and Joe Riggs on alto.

Harry James-Take the A train

レーザーディスク(LD) ONE NIGHT STANDより ハリージェームス・オーケストラが来日した際、 TBSのGスタジオにて収録された映像です。 メンバーが演...

Harry James - Take The "A" Train

Harry James - Take The "A" Train From The Album: Plays All Time Favorites Click Here ...

Take the A' Train-Harry James 1968

I ran across this interesting story from Tony Scodwell.. In 1968 I was playing with Harry James and we were scheduled to record the Phase 4 record called "The ...

Harry James