유희열, 윤도현 - With Or Without You (슬래인 캐슬 Ver.)

See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and a twist of fate
On a bed of nails
she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I waiting for you
with or without you
with or without you
I can't live with or without you
and you give yourself away
and you give yourself away
and you give
and you give
and you give yourself away
my hands are tied
my body looks bruised
she got me with
nothing to win
and nothing left to lose
and you give yourself away
and you give yourself away
and you give
and you give
and you give yourself away
with or without you
with or without you
I can't live with or without you
with or without you
With Or Without You - 윤도현 (원곡 : U2)

With Or Without You - 윤도현 (원곡 : U2)

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통통TV : http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/tongtongtv/index.html 오는 25일 밤 10시 30분에 첫 방송되는 JTBC 신규 예능 프로그램 '비긴어게인'의 제작발표회가 21일 ...

유희열 "다시 음악을 하고 싶어졌다"

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유희열, 윤도현