Bud Powell - Little Benny (Crazeology)

Bud Powell - Little Bennie (Crazeology)

Bud Powell (p), Gilbert Rovere (b), Kansas Fields (ds) Album:"Bud Powell / In Paris" Recorded:Paris ,1963.

Crazeology (Composer: "Little Benny" Harris or Charlie Parker), The Steve Elmer Trio

The Steve Elmer Trio plays live at the Garage Restaurant & Cafe in New York City on February 5, 2010. Steve Elmer (Piano), Hide Tanaka (Bass), and Shingo ...

"I Can't Get Started With You" & "Little Benny" - Bud Powell

Bud Powell – piano Gilbert Rovere – bass Kansas Fields – drums http://www.discogs.com/Bud-Powell-Bud-Powell-In-Paris/release/4138525.

Bud Powell Trio - Bud's Bubble

Bud Powell Trio - Bud's Bubble (aka Crazeology) (1947) Personnel: Bud Powell (piano), Curly Russell (bass), Max Roach (drums) from the album 'THE BUD ...

Bud Powell Trio - Little Bennie (Crazeology)

Bud Powell (p), Gilbert Rovere (b), Kansas Fields (ds) Album:" Bud Powell Trio / In Paris" Recorded:Paris ,1963.

Bud Powell