Paradise Lost - Erased (Live In Plovdiv 2014)


Live recording of Paradise Lost, performing at the magnificent Roman Amphiteatre in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 20.09.2014 shot with HTC One.

Paradise Lost - Erased & Isolate

Live at Antique Teather in Plovdiv - 20.09.2014.

Paradise Lost - Erased (Plovdiv 20.09.2014)

PARADISE LOST played at the Roman theater in Plovdiv. *** State Opera - Plovdiv Choir "Rodna pesen" - Burgas Arrangements: George Miltiyadoff and Levon ...

Paradise Lost - Erased

Tema de su album "Symbol of Life" con un estilo melodico en donde Nick Holmes en la voz junto a Greg Mackintosh en la 1era guitarra - Aaron Aedy en 2da ...

Paradise Lost