Extreme - Li`l Jack Horny

Mother Goose
Never should haver ever let that Jack get loose
But that little boy blue
Keeps messing all the things he gets his hands into

Now look what you've done
Stuck in your thumb, pulled out a plum

Mama says, Boys will be boys
That's Li'l Jack Horny
Mama says Boys will be boys
That's Li'l Jack Horny

Jack and Jill
Went up and down and up and fooled around the hill
Now only time will tell
How late the rabbit will arrive in wonderland

Now look what you've done
Stuck in your thumb, pulled out a plum

Mama says, Boys will be boys
That's Li'l Jack Horny
Daddy says Don't need no birth control
That's Li'l Jack Horny
Extreme Li'l Jack Horny

Pornograffitti (A funked up fairy tale)

Extreme 'Li'l Jack Horny' cover

このカバーでヤングギター2016年11月号の「フレーズ完コピ大賞」グランプリいただきました。ありがとうございます! Guitar: Suhr J Select Series...

Extreme - Li'l Jack Horny (live SRF2015)

Live at Sweden Rock Festival 2015-06-06 www.extreme-band.com.

Extreme-Li'l Jack Horny

Extreme-Li'l Jack Horny All rights are reserved to their respective owners.
