Velvet Acid Christ - Crawl

Velvet Acid Christ - Crawl (Hex Angel Album Art Work)

Crawl...track 10 off of Hex Angel (Utopia/Dystopia)...i just love the atmosphere this one illicits. the samples, the drum work, the chords that sound like a giant harp ...

Velvet Acid Christ - Sex Disease

Sex Disease, great track from Church of Acid. when sex is a pretext to a disease, we'll crawl inside, my head was broken off, blistering on this separate faith, now ...

Velvet Acid Christ Dark Lights

The song Dark Lights by the Band Velvet Acid Christ from the album Neuralblastoma.

Velvet Acid Christ - Repulsive

Repulsive (Necropolis Mix) Quartier Macabre Art.

Velvet Acid Christ