Mother Mother - Cry Forum

I stare at the populous in prayer, I look at ‘em talking to the air
I sing for ‘em, they don't seem to hear, I cry for ‘em
Are they in outer space on a populous parade
Are they in some kind of race that I do not have the legs for
I'm not one to kill joy, but I'm just digging pro choice
Let the mamas run, am I wrong
I saw my mama's inheritance, stone wall unilateral descent
Vultures and a piggy in a pen, I cry for ‘em
Are they all out of touch Are they touching it too much
Are they on some kind of drug that I haven't done enough of
I'm not one to judge, I just like to make fun of
Everybody and their dog, am I wrong
I cry for ‘em, I try for ‘em, speak my mind for ‘em, at the cry forum
Are they all out of turn Are they ever going to learn
About the fires that might burn, about the feelings that might hurt me
I'm not one to turn green, but I think I feel envy for the stony ones
Als allen om U heen zich reeds verloren achten
en gij alleen de kop nog boven water houdt
als gij van niemand meer vertrouwen moogt verwachten
en enkel op Uzelf als op een rotssteen bouwt
als gij geduldig zijt en spoed en nijd kunt laten
Als gij belogen wordt en U niet liegend wreekt
als gij de haat aanvaardt, dit zonder zelf te haten
U niet op wijsheid roemt, noch van uw deugden spreekt
Cry Forum - Mother Mother

The Sticks - Get the album -

Mother Mother - Cry Forum

From the Album: The Sticks ...

Mother Mother - The Cry Forum

The Cry Forum - Mother Mother New album "The Sticks" - released September 18th, 2012 All rights reserved to Mother Mother. I do not own anything.

The Cry Forum Mother Mother performs music from their yet to be released album at CBC Vancouver's Studio 40. This is their song 'The Cry Forum'.

Mother Mother "The Cry Forum" - Toronto, ON

December 1st, 2012 The Sticks Tour Kool Haus, Toronto, ON.

Mother Mother