Sham 69 - i Love Her

Sham 69 - I Love Her

SHAM 69 - I Love Her (Hollywood Hero, 2007) Band: Dave Parson, Rob Jefferson, Scazz, Ian Whitewood ...

i love her - sham 69

i love her - sham 69.

Sham 69 'Tell us the Truth' Documentary from 1979

This is the ultra rare Sham 69 Documentary which features a Drama using the 'That's Life' album If you look closely you will see the table and room featured on ...

THE FUSS - I love her so + Action time Vision

esibizione in sala prove di due cover "I love her so" dei Ramones e "Action time vision" degli Sham 69 da parte dell'emergente band campidanese.

Sham 69