Joan Osborne - What You Gonna Do

You used to bury me, way underground
I thought it had to be this way
But I've been watching you
And I get smarter every day
Take the voices from your mouth
I've got the key to this door
I've learned to work the new machines
I'm not afraid anymore
What you gonna do
What you gonna do about me
You've been stealing all the air
You've been using all the sound
I made a deal with the ocean
I made a deal with the ground
What you gonna do
What you gonna do about me
I am riding on the bus
I am working at my job
I am calling out your name
I am standing at your door
I am counting up the money
I am carrying my child
I am coming down your driveway
I am giving you a chance
"What you gonna do"

Szevasz Nyár, Gyöngyös, 2015 Joan Osborne - What you gonna do Cover by Misi Krisztián, Szepesházy Dóri.

Joan Osborne - What You Gonna Do Lyrics

Joan Osborne - What You Gonna Do Lyrics.

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