제이워커 - Liar

Mesmerized by your tongue.
I don't wand to say - what is wrong
When It's something that you used to say
As if it matters what I say
Every time your sweet words
That comes from miles away
You don't even know what you're saying
As if you were buying the truth of the world
Dispatch what you've learned.
It comes and goes without a pain
No boundaries onyour awareness
As if everyone is out of their mind
I ain't wanna be in your game
It's not the way I want to be
But there's no way I can make this right
As if I can see what is wrong

No way! I'm done. It's lame
No way! Don't freak me out.

It's just bugging in my head. I don't want to deal with this anymore
Is this all you think? The day will never come.
I don't want to let you down coz ypu're bringing this up - until the end
I won't lay it down. This is what I have to say.

Liar Where hell's on your name coz you are a
Liar What it takes away. It drowns you away.
Paul Walker: The Hottest Liar of ALL TIME

Paul Walker claims it's not him in the new Cool Water commercial- but we'd recognize those dreamy blue eyes anywhere.

Crooked Hillary Is A Liar Unfit To Be President | Donald J. Trump For President

Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, lying and unethical person that time and time again, places America in grave danger! She's done NOTHING but make America a ...

200 MPH Fast Drive - film complet vf

Pour venger son frère aîné, tué lors d'une course clandestine de voiture, Rick est prêt à tout. Il lance alors un défi à Kayce, qu'il tient pour responsable de la ...

Cops Beat Black Teen For "Resisting" His Jaywalking Ticket

A young black teenager was crossing the road in Stockton, CA when he was stopped by a cop. Cell phone footage shows a disturbing scene. Cenk Uygur, host ...
