Ryan M. Brewer - Allegory

Ryan M. Brewer - Intro / Allegory (Live)

"This song seemed a perfect introduction to the world in which these songs were to exist. It follows a relatively young couple...struggling to make things work in a ...

ryan m. brewer - music monday volume 15

for those of you who don't know, i have an album that will release 2/4/12. to help support the release, i'm selling presale bundles that include a lot of cool merch.

Ryan M. Brewer - Where Your Heart is Lain (Live)

"The lyrics here strayed into autobiographical territory a little further than most of the other tracks. They deal with a feeling that you can't follow your dreams to the ...

Ryan M. Brewer - Fresh Laundry (Live)

"This is one of the snarkiest songs I've ever written. It didn't fit on the record thematically or musically, I didn't feel at the time... so it was ultimately left off until the ...

Ryan M. Brewer - Back Where I Belong (Live)

"A lot of people have asked if this record was intended as a story album...as it seems to flow within a cohesive theme. I suppose they aren't far off. Around the ...

Ryan M. Brewer