David Byrne - Cage And The Long Island Expressway / Enlightened Whistler

David Byrne John Cage - Cage and the Long Island Expressway / Enlightened Whistler

"Cage and the Long Island Expressway / Enlightened Whistler" taken from the John Cage experimental hommage album "Cage/Uncaged" from 1993. Get the full ...

David Byrne - Cage And The Long Island Expressway And Enlightened Whistler (1993)

Text Excerpts From "Indeterminacy" by John Cage Performer, Lyrics By David Byrne Producer by John Cale.

David Byrne -- Cage And The Long Island Expressway -Enlightened

David Byrne -- Cage And The Long Island Expressway / Enlightened Whistler 0:31/ 4:24.

David Byrne / Talking Heads - Stay Hungry Acapella improvisation

A rare recording of David Byrne reciting the lyrics of "Stay Hungry" - at the time a work in progress - after a show in London.

David Byrne - Sleeping Up

Foto : Luca Bolognini.

David Byrne