Empire - Rise of a World Empire

The age of empire | Rise to world power (1890-1945) | US History | Khan Academy

Why does the United States have territory outside of the Lower 48 states? KA's US history fellow Kim Kutz talks about the growing interest in becoming an ...

BBC Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan is a BBC film detailing the life of the 13th-century Mongol. Written by Isabelle Grey, Directed by Edward Bazalgette, Starring Orgil Makhaan, ...

The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire 日本帝國的興衰

Documentary on Japan's rise of militarism and the breakup of its empire after World War II.

The Roman Empire - Episode 1: The Rise of the Roman Empire (History Documentary)

The Roman Empire - Episode 1: The Rise of the Roman Empire (History Documentary) Two thousand years ago, one civilisation held the entire Western world in ...

History of the World: Every Year

The entire history of the World from the rise of civilisation to the present day. Drex's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS1Q3Igx4ow3RsZLzFVvbTg ...
