Russo Giovanni - Reflecting Light

My photographs bear witness | James Nachtwey Accepting his 2007 TED Prize, war photographer James Nachtwey shows his lifes work and asks TED to help him continue telling the story ...

Anthony Russo - It's Only A Choice

New original! Off my CD "Word To The Wise" -Lyrics- I'm learning the art of logically reflecting my positive energy, Inward and outward. It's only a choice.

Dmitri Baltermants

English and italian version -- Quality 1080p HD) - Messaggio Fotografico di Sandro Sansone (23/11/2013) (in esclusiva per POP ...

1982-0711 Kundalini from Anahata to Sahasrara, Public Program, CC, DP

more at: subtitles: "The other ...

Hortus | Christoph De Boeck & Patrícia Portela

(scroll down for English) Em "Hortus" o visitante é convidado a explorar um jardim onde uma rede de sensores mede a dinâmica do vento e de luz ...

Russo Giovanni