Timewave Theory - Ghost in the Pipes

Shockwave traffic jams recreated for first time

Read more http://technology.newscientist.com/article/dn13402 Traffic jams that occur for no reason have been replicated on the test-track Footage courtesy of ...

Standing Waves and Resonance

Standing Waves can resonate in a pipe. The resonance occurs in an open-closed pipe when an odd integer number of quarter wavelengths fit exactly in the ...

The attachment of matter to Orbs

Another video which provides evidence that the Orb, Wave, Bar process is the missing energy that created the universe. Backs up theories by Neal Adams ...

Brad Steiger. Part 2 of 5. Conspiracies from Obama to Men In Black. Part 1 July 7. 2012

To see part 3 go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0ZbllUUiMc. In part 2. Brad Steiger to talk about conspiracies of all kinds. From present day Obama ...

Timewave Theory