Bob Burford - It Don`t Mean a Thing

Bob Burford - "It Don't Mean a Thing" (Duke Ellington)

This guitar is a gorgeous, top-drawer guitar made in Czechoslovakia when there still was a Czechoslovakia. It weighs only 6 pounds! It is a Stanford Belle Aire ...

Highland Hall Gala - Anny Lieberman singing It Don't Mean a Thing

"Guitar - Jerry Scott Edelnant and Toshi Yanagi" / "Piano - Bob Remstein" / "Bass - Rick Guetschow" / "Drums - Satoshi Kirisawa" / Highland Hall - "Gala" ...

"It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)" - playalong jam

Playing along to "It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)" (Ellington, 1931) Rhythm, chord solo, single note lead. Sorry, no tabs. Guitar - The Loar ...

It Don't Mean A Thing - jazz vocal guitar

It Don't Mean A Thing - Vocal:渡邊ひろみ Guitar:勝地哲平 2016.8/13 @豊岡市日高町タベルナサクハタ guitar:gibson es335 amp:fender blues deluxe.

Bob Burford