Catherine Bott, Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Purcell : The Indian Queen Z.630 Act.IV - They Tell Us That Your Mighty Powers (Ed A. Pinnock, M. Laurie)

Henry Purcell - "They tell us that you mighty powers above" - Catherine Bott - Christopher Hogwood

Henry Purcell - : "They tell us that you mighty powers above" (From Indian Queen) - Catherine Bott - Christopher Hogwood, Academy of Ancient Music ...

Henry Purcell / Collection of The Indian Queen " They tell us that your mighty powers "

They tell us that your mighty powers above Make perfect your joys and your blessings by Love. Ah! Why do you suffer the blessing that's there To give a poor ...

H.Purcell (1659-1695) - "They tell us that you mighty powers above"

Екатерина Либерова (сопрано), Лада Морозова (альт), Андрей Чернышов (архлютня)

Catherine Bott, Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music