Westminster Cathedral Choir - Howells : Salve Regina

Herbert Howells - Salve Regina

A performance by the Merbecke Choir of Southwark Cathedral of Herbert Howells' setting of the Salve Regina. This is a very early piece by Howells, but a ...

Choral Vespers from Westminster Cathedral | 2012

Choral Vespers from Westminster Cathedral, 7th November 2012 01:06 Introit: Deus in adiutorium (Plainsong) 01:52 Hymn: Lucis Creator (Plainsong) 05:19 ...

Herbert Howells: Salve Regina (Andrew Nethsingha, Choir of St John's College, Cambridge)

Salve Regina, mater misericordiae; vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Evae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac ...

Francis Poulenc—Mass & Motets—Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O'Donnell (conductor)

Available on Hyperion Records (Downloads - mp3, ALAC, FLAC / CD) http://www.hyperion-records.co.uk/dc.asp?dc=D_CDH55448&utm_medium=Youtube ...

Howells - Magnificat "Westminster Service" (Lincoln Cathedral Choir, 2001)

ALL OF THE BROADCASTS || https://www.youtube.com/user/collegiumregale/playlists Choral Evensong from Lincoln Cathedral, 4th April 2001 Herbert Howells ...

Westminster Cathedral Choir