Espionne - Coffe Break

Rad Bitch Coffee Break Periscope: On Tough Conversations

On Friday's Periscope broadcast, I talked through some techniques and strategies for handling difficult conversations, confrontations or discussions without ...

Lisa LeBlanc - Could You Wait 'Til I've Had My Coffee?

Why You Wanna Leave, Runaway Queen? Album out now! Album disponible maintenant! Bandcamp: iTunes: ...

TAS Private Label - 10 Minute Q & A Over Coffee - (Periscope #96 Replay)

This is periscope #96 recording done on Friday, February 5, 2016. Today I'm answering a few questions that you may have concerning your Amazon Business.

Fallout 4 - Soyez Unique #1: Le coffre-fort de Corvega + SweetFX

Achetez vos jeux beaucoup moins cher ici : Retour aux sources, ma toute première série sur YouTube remonte à 4 ans avec Skyrim, ...

TJLC Explained: [Episode 21] Mirror, Mirror pt. 2 (aka the one where Mary isn't Moriarty)

Hi everyone! I know you haven't seen me in a little while, but to make up for it you'll be getting three new videos over this long weekend! Number 1 of 3 is a video ...
