John Adams - Adams : Nixon In China Act.I Scene III. - Mr. Premier, Distinguished Guests

News Has A Kind Of Mystery

Nixon reflects on the nature of the news media and his trip to China, then quickly returns to contemplating his nation's condition. Nixon: News! News has a kind ...


Good cheer reigns at the banquet as the first act concludes. Nixon: Cheers! Kissinger: Cheers! New friends and present company! Nixon: To Chairman Mao!

I Can't Talk Very Well

I.ii Nixon, Kissinger, Chou En-Lai and Mao meet in the Chairman's study Mao: I can't talk very well. My throat-- Nixon: I'm nearly speechless with delight Just to ...

Ladies And Gentlemen

The Premier gives his toast. Chou En-Lai: Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and friends, We have begun to celebrate the different ways That led us to this ...

Your Flight Was Smooth, I Hope

The Chinese Premier welcomes the American President to his country. Chou En-Lai: Your flight was smooth, I hope? Nixon: Oh yes, smoother than usual, ...

John Adams