Solar Eclipse - The Beyond

Leo King Live: Rare Solar Eclipse in Virgo, Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Week Overview

There will be a Webinar for September on Tuesday 6pm Pacific. Register now:…/september-to-remember-2… September ...

Planet X System Visible During Total Solar Eclipse

Unique viewing conditions afforded by the March 20, 2015 total eclipse, allowed two bodies in the Planet X system in retrograde orbit to become briefly visible ...

Solar Eclipse 1st Sept 2016 and Mars out of bounds MAX SOUTH

Can you feel it? August and September 2016 are going to be FULL ON! A certain energetic intensity may be building up within you. The current planetary ...

Solar Eclipse Reveals Massive Planetary Body Heading Towards Earth

Images captured immediately before and during the umbra phase of the total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 reveals a series ofl planetary objects to the upper ...

Solar Eclipse