이루마 - Poem+ 詩처럼

Yiruma, 이루마 - Poem+(시처럼)(Audio)

Yiruma, a popular Korean pianist and composer released the album [The Best - Reminiscent 10th Anniversary] to commemorate his 10th Anniversary.

Yiruma - Poem+ 詩처럼 (Digital Piano Cover)

What a starry night that I could imagine via this song. It's also the first song in my second year of piano journey.

이루마(Yiruma) - Poem+(시(詩)처럼) (+Guitar Version)

http://www.youtube.com/user/mohoisland 이루마(Yiruma) - Poem+(시(詩)처럼) Add Guitar Version by J. Moon Lee Recorded on the 2014.04.25.
