Rock `N` Roll Worship Circus - Loveliest Bride

The Loveliest Bride - Rock N Roll Worship Circus

All of my love is a ribbon of scarlet covers the head of the Loveliest Bride come, come away...come with me tonight followed by a train of the purest white ...

Rock N Roll Worship Circus - A Beautiful Glow - Album

Rock N Roll Worship Circus - A Beautiful Glow - Album - 2003 Tracks: A Beautiful Glow Love Colour Blessed Tune (We Will Sing Forever...One Day) Gift Of Cool ...

Rock N' Roll Worship Circus- The Undiscovered

Imagine a place of life, a place of mystery, a place of answers, a place of joy, and a place of rest and peace. Imagine a place where we are all equal. There are ...

"The Undiscovered" ~Rock N' Roll Worship Circus

My favorite song from my favorite band. I always picture me and my dad walking up to the gates of Heaven to this song. Jamming and dancing all disco style.

"We Sing Glory" ~Rock N Roll Worship Circus

One of the GREATEST ALL TIME Christian bands (IMO)! I love these guys, they are truly blessed and gifted by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You Lord ...

Rock `N` Roll Worship Circus