Andreas - Secrets of the Pyramids

Andreas Vollenweider - Pyramid In the Woods In the Bright Light

Andreas Vollenweider - Behind The Gardens 1984.

Andreas Vollenweider - 1981 Behind the Gardens..

Vollenweider, a Swiss musician, performs on a mechanically altered concert harp. His instrument enables him to counteract the meditative properties of the harp ...

The Antikythera Mechanism / Pyramid in the Wood-Andreas Vollenweider

I do not own the copyright on either the images or the soundtrack of this video. If you are the copyright holder, and you would like me to remove the video, please ...

"TOP SECRET" Alaskan Pyramid powers Pentagon exposed - Inside Alaska Bermuda Triangle.

Uper Top Secret military - Mount McKinley Alaska - The Eerie Alaskan Pyramid Investigated - inside Alaska Bermuda Triangle that powers Pentagon exposed.

The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt understood by Tesla

With the modern knowledge being exposed of pyramids all over the earth we now know exactly why they existed. It was not originally as tombs. See this it will ...
