Sonny Boy Williamson - Tell Me Baby

Sonny Boy Williamson I- Tell Me, Baby

Sonny Boy Williamson I- Buy the album on which this track appears by going to Document Records has the largest catalogue of ...

Sonny Boy Williamson Tell Me Baby

Grabado en 1962 en Estocolmo, Suecia con Sture Nordin en contrabajo y Lennart Nyten en guitarra.

John Lee Williamson - Tell me Baby

I can´t resist to show you this one. John Lee Williamson, and I ain´t gonna say no more.

Sonny Boy Williamson - Polly Put Your Kettle On (Blues Bopper)

killer Blues Bopper - RCA Victor 20-2521 (1947?) coverd by "Kitty Daisy & Lewis" as "Polly Put The Kettle On" Sonny Boy Williamson - Blues singer with ...

Sonny Boy Williamson