David Garrett - Rimsky-Korsakov : The Flight Of The Bumble Bee

David Garrett - Flight of the Bumblebee - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Kultura tv 31.12.2016

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DAVID GARRETT, JULIEN QUENTIN - The Flight of the Bumble Bee -

http://www.david-garrett-fans.com/ David Garrett (violin) and Julien Quentin (piano) play "The Flight of the Bumble Bee" by Rimski-Korsakov at the Verbier ...

The Flight of The Bumble Bee (David Garret)

David Garrett es un violinista de 28 años, lleva tocando el violín desde los 4 años, y lo hace maravillosamente bien, tanto en temas clásicos como pop.

Fastest Violin Player - Schnellster Geigenspieler - Guinness World Record

The fastest violinist is David Garrett (Germany) who played "Flight of the Bumblebee" in 1 min 5.26 sec on the set of Guinness World Records: Die Größten ...

David Garrett