Canned Heat - Dust My Broom (Stereo)

Canned Heat Blues Band - Dust My Broom (1968)

Canned Heat Blues Band - Dust My Broom (1968)

CANNED HEAT - LET'S WORK TOGETHER Made with Permission from EMI - Worldwide Hit for CANNED HEAT with GREAT lyrics written by Wilbert Harrison - COME ON ...

Canned Heat - Going Up The Country(Woodstock 1969 Concert), Mono-Mix from 1969 Cotillion LP.

This live "mono mix" version of "Going Up The Country" by Canned Heat at Woodstock 1969 Concert was taken from the stereo Cotillion LP. Song follows ...

Elmore James - Dust my broom

Elmore James: the king of the slide guitar.

Canned Heat