Lisa Lynne - Way Of The World

Lisa Lynne & George Tortorelli - Celtic Harp & World Flutes

A special spring sunset concert in Melborne, Florida. George Tortorelli and I opened the evening with the first piece on our "Love & Peace" CD. It's called ...

Lisa Lynne & George Tortorelli - Celtic Harp & Bamboo Flute

Lisa Lynne & George Tortorelli were playing a daytime concert at University of Gainesville on March 9, 2009 On the way out of the grounds they saw a small ...

Lisa Lynne Vblog #47 - A European tour of music and merriment.

We just returned from a month in Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. It started in Ireland with Patrick Ball, and from there Aryeh and I continued on.

Moring Star Lisa Lynne

Music for Relaxation.

Lisa Lynne Vblog #46 - An Epic Western US Tour with Lisa Lynne & Aryeh Frankfurter

March/April 2016 -30 Concerts, workshops and school programs in 52 days. Aryeh and I drove through eight states performing in many places and seeing ...

Lisa Lynne