Luthier - Pyramid

Cavaco Luthier Kleiton Amaral

Cavaco Black and White Maple e Jacarandá com caixa de 8,5 cm; Verniz Acentinado Braço de Mogno com reforço em Jacarandá e Maple Tampo Pinho ...

Pyramid Tape Wound Strings on Fretted U-Bass

Comparison of new Pyramid black tape wound strings on steel cores to current Pyramid round wound silver-plated copper on silk core. -2011 spruce top fretted ...

Jorge de Zofia - Luthier - French Polish Brazilian Rosewood Flamenco

This is a video of the flamenco florentine cutaway guitar that is being made for me by the great luthier - Jorge de Zofia. I want to thank fellow guitarist Eric Hansen ...

Guitar making -Pyramid bridge

My process for making the pyramid-style bridge used by C.F. Martin and other early American guitar makers.
