Mizuki Nana - Dancing In The Velvet Moon (TV 애니메이션 `로자리오와 뱀파이어` 엔딩 테마)

Rosario to Vampire ED

This video is used under fair use i do not own any rights nor plan to profit in anyway using the video and honestly the only thing it does is give both the series ...

Rosario + Vampire CAPU2 Official Clip - DISCOTEQUE

Order Now! http://amzn.to/RosarioVamp_CAPU2_yt_amzn RightStuf http://bit.ly/tRYxxG Tsukune, Moka and the rest of the gang return for another year at Yokai ...

P.O.L Rosario + Vampire - Discotheque

P.O.L의 후라이 1주년 공개방송 폐막 공연 요번 애사페에도 나올 예정 입니다. ㅎ Rosario + Vampire - Discotheque.

Mizuki Nana