The ABC Company - American Woman

Woman Receives Unwanted Advances | What Would You Do? | WWYD | ABC News

A woman, drinking alone at bar, begins to receive unwanted advances from one of the patrons -- and he will not take no for an answer. Would you step in on the ...

The Woman Behind Urban Decay | Real Biz with Rebecca Jarvis | ABC News

Episode 112: Urban Decay co-founder and CCO, Wende Zomnir talks disrupting the beauty industry and creating Urban Decay, on “Real Biz with Rebecca ...

11-Year-Old Girl 'Allergic' to Sunlight | ABC News

Savannah Fulkerson has a rare genetic condition that causes her skin to burn when exposed to the sun. Some would say she is allergic to sun or allergic to ...

White Woman Dresses "Urban" | What Would You Do? | WWYD | ABC News

Sparks fly when a woman is criticized at a clothing store for dressing "too urban." Subscribe for brand new episodes on the official WWYD channel!

The ABC Company